American History Sex is an informative, raunchy, and occasionally wholesome comedy show in which comedian Bobby Sheehan combines his three passions: America, history, and sex. During the show, the audience can ask questions, play a rousing game of “President or Poet”, and give Bobby some much-needed dating advice.
American History Sex is a show that will have audiences saying, “Who would give their penis a nickname?”, “Why bring up soup on your deathbed?”, and “I can’t believe Abraham Lincoln wrote poetry that terrible.” Bobby has been bringing his perverted love of history to audiences since four score and seven years ago. He hopes to see you there!
Crossroads is a nonprofit theatre company! We are offering this performance as "pay what you want" with a suggested donation of $15. Your donation helps us with our ongoing operations as well as our student aid program, which provides low to no cost classes. While we await our tax exempt status approval, Crossroads is fiscally sponsored through Fractured Atlas allowing for tax deductible donations. If you would like to donate more and have your donation be tax deductible - you can! Visit our donation page for more information. We're also looking for permanent space, so if you have spare building laying around let us know.
Praise for American History Sex:
“Truly mind-blowing” –John F. Kennedy
“So funny I nearly spit out my false teeth.” –George Washington
“It’s hurtful, what he said about my poetry.” –Abraham Lincoln
During the show, the audience can ask questions, play a rousing game of “President or Poet”, and give Bobby some much-needed dating advice.
American History Sex is a show that will have audiences saying, “Who would give their penis a nickname?”, “Why bring up soup on your deathbed?”, and “I can’t believe Abraham Lincoln wrote poetry that terrible.”
Bobby has been bringing his perverted love of history to audiences since four score and seven years ago. He hopes to see you there!
Praise for American History Sex:
“Truly mind-blowing” –John F. Kennedy
“So funny I nearly spit out my false teeth.” –George Washington
“It’s hurtful, what he said about my poetry.” –Abraham Lincoln