Absolutely sick of the three-ring circus that is our politics these days? So am I! Luckily, there's a field of research called political science that actually can help us understand the deep mechanisms that are making things feel so wrong in this country. Join me, your new favorite professor + comedian + circus performer, for a tour de force of the great mathematical and quantitative research to help us all figure out why things feels like such a mess -- and how we can steer things towards the better. This is a non-partisan show, meaning there is no deeper political agenda -- it's about classic research that's been going on for decades about what works, what doesn't, and why the political institutions and cultures we have are giving rise to the things we see. We'll learn, we'll laugh, and, my heavens, you'll even get a circus act by the end of it!
This event is part of Crossroads Comedy Theater’s Class Clowns Comedy Festival! The festival takes place within Philly Theatre Week from April 3rd through April 6th at Theatre Exile in South Philly. Class Clowns shows are comedy shows that feature an educational component so audience members will not only laugh, but learn something as well! Performances will feature Philly favorites returning, out of town guests making their debut, and new shows created specifically for the event. Don’t be tardy!